September 2022 Newsletter
I just pulled half a warp out of the heddles. Again. It shouldn’t be this way. It’s a simple block weave. M’s & O’s on 4 shafts, a favorite basic structure. The yarn is unbleached 22/2 cottolin, my go-to for towels: It’s versatile, works with a wild variety of weft fibers, colors, textures and weights, behaves itself when measuring and beaming… New weft colors have arrived, and old favorites are waiting on the shelf. I want to weave. I keep getting the blocks mixed up, and having to un-thread. (!) What could this recalcitrant warp be telling me? I love dressing looms. Really. A naked loom usually doesn’t sit around here long. This warp was planned and measured mid-June. Beamed in July. The threading has been going on for weeks. And therein lies the problem. Summer lack of focus. It’s warm and sunny, and the garden calls. And then the weaving calls. The dry days make firing up the dye pots very attractive. Another reason to neglect the weaving and the gardening. As a result the new raised bed isn’t filled with soil yet, the other one is weedy. Watering happens, but bigger projects just aren’t getting finished. The urgency of Fall brought on by the first rain of the season just hasn’t hit yet.
And you know what? It can all wait, at least until after Labor Day, right? September, even more than January, feels like the start of the new year. Time to get a new notebook, sharpen my pencils, and maybe get a new pair of shoes. That warp is evidently saying it’s too early to focus. Soon enough we’ll be back on schedule with monthly meetings, programs, outreach projects and regular study groups! You will want to read below, review the schedule carefully and make notes in your calendar. There is much variety in our programming in the coming year. Some meetings will have both in-person and remote options. Some will be held at the Jansen Center, some in Bellingham. Some will be all Zoom, with presenters from far away. Some Guild programs will be hands-on, and workshops are being announced. You can expect some more outdoor gatherings as the weather allows, and the Jansen Center has classes and workshops coming up too. At the moment, that warp is getting a rest. The garden tools are in the shed. The dye pots are off the burners. A walk downtown, and new shoes for Fall are on the agenda. See you in September! Carol Berry 2022-2023 President, Whatcom Weavers Guild |
Samples & New Shoes
Natural Dye Samples
The Warp in Progress