November 2018 Newsletter
The rains have come, punctuated by glorious color in the trees, and truly wonderful mossy greens underfoot. November can be a perfect time buckle down, take an inventory of projects to start and projects to finish, even take a few hours (or days) to go through the yarn stash, sorting out odds and ends for hats and scarves. It’s nice to slow the pace a bit after all of October’s high-fiber activities. October was exciting! Warp painting, tablet weaving, ply splitting were all new skills for me, learned at Fibers & Beyond. The next weekend, Fiber fusion was amazing! I talked with several fiber farmers, admired the most adorable silver-fleeced baby llama (JNK Llamas, from right here in Whatcom County) and purchased natural-colored Wensleydale/Teesdale cross yarns for a deflected double-weave project. At the Jansen Center Textile studio, a sample of Skagit Valley wool from Harmony Fields is on the big Glimakra loom in preparation for a full-width blanket, in twill blocks, two colors of gray plus natural white. There are now 8 shafts on the big loom, and thanks to the Countermarche workshop in October, it only took me two tries to get the tie-up right. Tip 1: when using all eight shafts on the big loom, 10 treadles must be tied up for balance. Tip 2: re-read the instructions before starting the tie-up. Marilyn Monahan’s big Finnish loom has found new life at the Lummi Tribal Center! A 48” wide robe is being woven on it, in a traditional twill design.
Last week I visited Lydia and Jared Strand’s farm, where their Icelandic and Fine wool Shetland sheep will be expecting lambs in the spring. Wool - the renewable resource so dear to knitters, weavers, felters, is in abundance. Fiber life is good! All the best, Carol Berry, 2018-2019 WWG President |
Upcoming Programs
November 17 - The Ann Sutton Collection of NUNO Japanese textiles
The November 17 meeting will have opportunities for outreach and community warming with the hat and scarf project, plus discussion of goals and activities for 2019. Our program speakers will be Diana Sanderson of the Silk Weaving Studio, and her Staff, the Ann Sutton Collection of Nuno Textiles “Team.” |
See for further program information or contact as at [email protected].